RLPSA Announces Member Working Groups

RLPSA Announces Member Working Groups – The Restaurant Loss Prevention & Security Association (RLPSA) is forming Working Groups, as defined by members at the 2024 Annual Conference.  Members requested more opportunities to collaborate with their peers and to build resources to help their organizations address safety, security, risk, and loss prevention issues.

All members are encouraged to participate in the Working Group(s) that they are passionate about.  Working groups will meet on a regular cadence determined by the Working Group Chair. They will focus on creating proactive tools to share with the broader membership at the Annual Conference.  RLPSA members agree these groups are truly actions that will continue to make us Smarter. Together.

RLPSA members can access the sign-up form for the working groups here.

The Working Group categories are as follows, with subsequent example topics that each Working Group will address:

  • Crisis Planning— This group will focus on proactive work that members can do to prepare for unplanned incidents, regional crime, and emerging issues.
    • Crisis Planning topics include:
      • Emerging Crime Trends
      • ROC
      • De-escalation
  • Franchise Support—This group will work on identifying the specific needs and challenges of franchisee members to build a support network and resources for franchisees’ specific needs.
    • Franchise Support topics include:
      • Franchise Resource Group
      • Franchisee Participation
  • Government Affairs (non-lobbying)—This group will work together to compile resources to help members navigate governmental challenges and barriers, both regionally and nationally.
    • Government Affairs topics include:
      • Law Enforcement Relations
      • How to Navigate Security with Limited Government Resources (e.g., police response, police manpower)
  • Occupational Safety—This group will work on building knowledge and resources to support and enhance workplace safety programs for restaurant and food service environments.
    • Occupational Safety topics include:
      • Slip and Falls/AI
      • Safety Buy-In—training out bad habits, incentivizing good safety practices, across generations and how to motivate generations
  • RLPSA Engagement—This group will identify tools, program templates, and playbook examples to support both young and established programs as well as determine ways to increase membership and current member engagement.
    • RLPSA Engagement topics include:
      • Mentoring Program
      • Increase Membership
      • Playbooks on Risk Management, Physical Safety, and Emerging Topics
  • Technology Education—This group will discuss and identify topics and concerns for restaurants and food service providers and will determine educational opportunities for members on technology and digital issues.
    • Technology Education topics include:
      • Digital Fraud (Loyalty App scams, 3rd Party Chargebacks, etc.)
      • Emerging Technology/Awareness Showcase
      • Top Ten Threats for Solution Providers to Resolve

RLPSA members have asked to get more involved and now is the opportunity!


The RLPSA’s goal is to help make our members more efficient and successful in their careers by serving as the “go-to” resource for restaurant and food industry loss prevention and security, risk, and safety professionals. Investigate your company’s membership rate here and join today: http://rlpsa.com/join-us/